September 1, 2011

My Scandinavian Summer

This summer I’ve probably been your worst virtual friend ever. Because let’s face it: I haven’t exactly been busy writing new posts for my blog readers - and for that I apologize (though I kind of hate when bloggers constantly apologize for not posting often enough) But if it’s any consolation you haven’t missed out much - it will only take a brief summary to get you updated…

I’ve spent most of my summer like a nomad. Sometimes living in Norway whilst working at a ferry (I’m not a sailor or anything, I’m just making the hotdogs). Sometimes staying at my parents’ place in Harken (If you’re not familiar with Harken, don’t be sorry). But every time I come home I turn into a mentally hysteric teenager, so I try to avoid that, which is why I’ve been running away to Aarhus, Copenhagen or even Aalborg every time I've had the chance. Here’s a few pictures of the stuff I’ve been up to, when I wasn’t coming up with new blog posts for you guys. Oh, and BTW… I’ve moved back to London. Cheers!

I don’t care how handy your GPS-phones are. Using a real map is so retro!

Distortion. This evening also contained some serious head banging and group peeing on open street.
Regine looking fierce in Darth Vader and greasy hair.
Drunk teenagers at Roskilde taking their clothes off.
I found this awesome jacket working the night shift. It was left behind by one of the customers and I figured that I could give it a much better home. What you find you can keep, right?
Me and Veronica eating chocolate buns and waiting at Kristiansand Port for our ferry to appear.  As usual it was delayed - and that's why I gained weight in this period of time.

My grown-up man-friend Martin
(demonstrating how heigh waisted works for men as well).

I’ve known Luffe for years. He used to be a really nice cat, but recently he was overtaken by greater powers and turned to the dark side.

This is what we did last Sunday. More info will follow in future blog post.

My sister Regine recently left home and moved to a bigger city – And as you can tell from this picture she was quite happy about it.

XXX from London